
Held in conjunction with ESWEEK 2015 on October 8 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Cyber physical systems (CPS) combine computing and networking power with physical components. They enable innovation in a wide range of domains including robotics; smart homes, vehicles, and buildings; medical implants; and future-generation sensor networks. CyPhy'15 brings together researchers and practitioners working on modeling, simulation, and evaluation of CPS, based on a broad interpretation of these areas, to collect and exchange expertise from a diverse set of disciplines. The workshop places particular focus is on techniques and components to enable and support virtual prototyping and testing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

CyPhy 2015 and LNCS Proceedings

CyPhy 2015 was held on October 8 in Amsterdam with ca. 25 participants during the workshop and very lively and interesting discussion.

The LNCS proceedings of the workshop has been distributed during the workshop and is now available online from the following URL: 
